
By the way...

By the way, if you have not yet done so, please visit 'the Hooyer Family Tree'. This beautiful piece of fine art is conveniently located on http://www.ancestry.com/. Once there, you must type in a user name and password. This information is classified, but I guess I'll tell you. Username: hooyer Password: reyoohSarah (cousin Sarah) and I have been working on this for at least a year. Now we are going nation-wide with it. I'm sure you'll love it.
'Cause if you don't...

11 件のコメント:

Itchellmeh さんのコメント...

Sarah and I have been working SO hard, it would be nice if some one besides ourselfs would visit the site.

Charity さんのコメント...

How do I find what you did?

Charity さんのコメント...

I also like your weekly scedule.

Hannah さんのコメント...

How do I see the family tree?

Hannah さんのコメント...

I found the link but I don't want to get a membership!!!

Hannah さんのコメント...


匿名 さんのコメント...

You have to log in at the top.
hooyer reyooh Then click on go to hooyer family tree. Then you can work with it.

匿名 さんのコメント...


Becka さんのコメント...

Nice! (expecially Baracuda)

Charity さんのコメント...

Driver beware!!!!!
The road is no longer safe!!!!!

Is it your real license, or does it have restrictions?

Itchellmeh さんのコメント...

restrictions... sadly