
24 (hopefully) sunny days left

Left of what?, you might ask. Well, it really is quite obvious. 24 days till SUMMER!!!! But anyway, school gets out (and summer starts [officially {I really like these parenthesis}]) on May 28 (or 27th, I dont know [again with the parenthesis:)]) so that leaves 24 days... BUT, if you aren't counting weekends, I believe it's 18 days till the end of the school year (and summer starts).

If you're wondering the meaning of this post, it is to fill up space. To add to this fiery fiesta of random space-filling, here is a random picture of Heather (my sister) trying on one of Lacy's *cough cough*WONDERFUL*cough* dresses. The sad thing is she threatened to come to one of my basketball games in that polkadot dress saying 'I'm Mitchell's sister! Look at me!' It hasn't happened yet, but I'm still afraid...

3 件のコメント:

Charity さんのコメント...

I think it looks nice, but it would look better if you rotated the picture...

Itchellmeh さんのコメント...

ya, I wasn't sure how to do that. Sorry:(

Charity さんのコメント...

You have to flip the picture in the file before you attempt to post it online. To do so, right click on the picture and than click the 'rotate' button.