
Hmmmm, Let's See Here...

Not much is going on besides the fact that I am still in track (not liking it) and still awaiting the rewarding feeling of SUMMER... but ya, otherwise not much. Oh, my last post was my 75th:) 1/2 of 1/2 of 300 posts! If you think about it that way.
Heather in another one of Lacy's dresses with her elegant daughter Sydney

10 件のコメント:

Charity さんのコメント...

Nice... Are all three of you going to VBS this year?

Becka さんのコメント...

You might be a red-neck if you've ever cut your grass and found your car.

Itchellmeh さんのコメント...

Yes Charity, and good one Becka:)

Sarah さんのコメント...

For VBS I'm a helper in Derek's class.

Itchellmeh さんのコメント...

o fun! I think our grade is just in one class this year because VBS filled up so quick. NEXT YEAR I'LL BE ABLE TO BE A HELPER!!!!!

Charity さんのコメント...

Well, I don't know if they'll trust you with anyone's kids...

Itchellmeh さんのコメント...

ya, well, maybe I SHOULD put a different name down on the sign up sheet just so they trust me.

Janet さんのコメント...

I BLOGGED!!! Happy now???

Itchellmeh さんのコメント...

I am satisfied for the moment

Becka さんのコメント...

Yay! Janet blogged!! Call the newspapers!