This Friday is Halloween. Not much to say about it... except that I will be in Algona for state cross country. The girls made it to state (not the guys), but I am going up there to cheer them on... and for the experience of trick-or-treating in a hotel:) I can't decide what I should be (that has to be something that can rightfully represent Sioux Center), that is fun, not too hot, and fun-ee. Ideas? Mom was a gypsy and dad

was a 'farmer' for one costume party already... it was pretty funny. Dad was meant to be a hillbilly farmer, and not his usual self... so he didn't change much:) Just kidding! Mom was a beautiful gypsy, and I had fun just looking at her. By the way, dad was born on Hallow's Eve (Oct. 30), so wish him a HAPPY 54TH BIRTHDAY!!!!!!
I am starting to wonder if you are all not blogging to teach me a lesson... or if, because I stopped, blogging just wasn't cool anymore:)
6 件のコメント:
nice pumpkins.
hey...I check your blog.
Okay, I will check your blog in return for your gracious deed of checking my blog)
Happy Birthday Paul! Was that his wagons? You should go as mitch the midget either that or a pixie.
oooo... nice ideas becka! Yes, that was his wagon... I'm pretty sure it was at least.
SORRY!!! I didn't know. The kids and I share this computer so I don't get to use it much at night. Tony told me he "talked" to you. I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving.
I can't wait for thanksgiving!!!!