We ('we' being the senior school participants of the most esteemed [and in debt] Sioux Center Middle School) are done with our middle school career (YAY!!!) next Wednesday, 5/28. We have a half day that day and we have next Monday off because of Labor Day..... so that leaves us with, let's see here....
2 1/2 DAYS LEFT!!!!!!!!!
10 件のコメント:
Yes school is out but you won't get any rest because your parent's will bug you about getting a job and then when you get that job they are going to work you so much that you're not going to have time to do anything else with your summer... Oh, wait. That's me.
Wow. You've really slimmed down your side bar.
You mean you passed eighth grade! I didn't think... I mean congratulations.
ya, I haven't felt like finding jokes for quite a while. James, thank you?
What are you talking about? It's out already!!!!!! My question is who let YOU graduate from middle school? Don't they know you better?
So happy to hear that school is out up there, I figured you'd have to make up snow days half the summer. I took the kids to the amusement park Monday, sorry you all didn't get to go with us. Maybe next year. Jolene's bunch is waiting for the exchange student that arrives in July so they can take he/she? and my bunch was ready to go so we went on Memorial Day, which turned out to be a wise choice because it was nice and COOL and NOT BUSY at all. (Plus it was only open til 8:00 (not 11:00) so we had to leave, after 10 hours of roller coasters, and water rides. I'll blog about it soon. HAVE A FUN-FILLED SUMMER!!!Your favorite (Kansas) Aunt.
P.S. I finally figured out where the "COMMENT" button was. What "Language" is this anyway. And you need to post some Jokes, that's who you are, that's what we've all come to expect. :)
Yep. We need more jokes.
The language is Nihon Go (Japanese). And I was able to find the comments quite easily, thank you very much. Also, it's been a week since you last blogged. This is unacceptable.