I'm sure all of you have heard of and used YouTube. Well, there's this site on the internet that is very much like YouTube, but it has all videos teachers have put on there that are school oriented.
Becka asked me if I would sing my song for her, and I will deny that request. Instead, I will tell you, Becka, to look on
http://www.teachertube.com/Now, I don't think that my science teacher has put on the songs yet, but when he does, I'll tell all y'all.

9 件のコメント:
this is really annoyting! I don't want to 'see please here.' And I don't care if my 'blog is pleasing!'
i know! this is the first i've been seeing them though. they've never bothered me before!
- me, at a friends house:)
Really, they are really really annoying!!!!! I will go crazy (short trip)!
tehehe. I'm at school:)
- Mitchell
sorry about that last comment, i was at school, and I thought it would be funny to post a comment from school:)
So, is it on yet?
not that he's told us... I could check.
nope... sorry:(