Today is my half birthday (three cheers for the midget who didnt get beat to death... as of 14 1/2 years!). I got to thinking, and one of my classmates' birthday is on August 30, and when I thought about it, she never has a half birthday! Sure, she could try to go over to March 1, but I have already claimed that day. How sad I felt for her... for about a couple of seconds.
You might ask, "Mitch the Midget, why hath you beath upeth this lateth?" Well-eth, I have a basketball game this morning and it is probably my last one of my middle school career! GASP! Well, wish me luck.
Anything else to say? No? OK then, I can finally finish this post. Farewell to all ye fans, I shalt be back for another posteth lest my heart beath torn into two parts.
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4 件のコメント:
Happy Belated Half-Birthday Mitch the midget (A.K.A. red-headed stranger). I hope you ate half a cake and got "half" presents.The Queen Jade Jewel of Jersey.
P.S. You have a "fan-base". My mom read your blonde jokes last night and laughed so hard (I laughed so hard when she tried to "re-tell #5, she's known for forgetting the punchline)and my brother reads it too. You know the "older" generation would rather read blogs then Post, it's a proven fact.
P.S.S. You need to tell Heather it has been months since she's "posted" on her blog, I'm still waiting for "Haircut" pictures of Heather and Loren :)You keep doing what you're doing cause your many comments are fun to read. JJ of J
thanks janet, or jade jewel of jersey.
nice to know i'm useful for something.