
Well, a Couple Things Have Happened Recently

Don't freak out. We raided this building before we burnt it this time...
Just kidding:) The actual story is that we are planning on building a new workshop for my dad this summer where two of our 'older' buildings are. This is one of them burning. We're still cleaning out the other. It was fun watching dad pick up the building with the pay loader and starting it on fire.
Also, school is out, and since that wonderful day (last Wednesday), I've been so busy that I haven't been able to even notice any summer. Sydney has been over since Tuesday and she constantly needs attention. I haven't been able to sleep in past 8 because dad supposedly need 'help' loading cattle around the world... or at least 1/2 and hour away. I worked for 5 hours today and I'm expecting more tommorow. Then tommorrow after helping dad, I have Grandma H's piano recital which I haven't practiced with the people I'm playing duets with much (if you'd like to see the recital, it's on Saturday at about 6 at Royal Meadows... I think), Then, Sunday I'm helping dad again for about 6 hours. Then next week is VBS. I plan on either running or biking there and back (2 miles) each day to stay in shape for the 5 kilometer run I'm doing in the Summer Celebration thing in Sioux Center which I think is next week or the one after that. Summer, I thought it was going to be fun and easy... oooooh the irony:(


IT...... IS...... (almost)........ HERE!

Gee, I wonder what the summer crazed school kid is talking about? Well, for those unfamiliar to irony (known as 'people not aquinted with the Hooyers'), I am talking (of course) about
We ('we' being the senior school participants of the most esteemed [and in debt] Sioux Center Middle School) are done with our middle school career (YAY!!!) next Wednesday, 5/28. We have a half day that day and we have next Monday off because of Labor Day..... so that leaves us with, let's see here....

2 1/2 DAYS LEFT!!!!!!!!!



Anyway, track is done and I am VERY happy about it. It's been going on for about a month or so, and I was getting very sick of it. Now, I am completely done with everything with school... track, exit exams, band/choir, any after school things. Actually, as I'm writing this, I'm wondering why we even have school for another whole week! Everything worth doing is done, so why not just end it?
As I said in passing up in that paragraph up there, band is over with. How I have come to gather this precious information is that I happened to be in the 'Tulip Festival', which is... well... it's a big NW Iowa Dutch gathering I guess. I played in our Sioux Center Middle School Band, playing the snare drum;
snare drum (sner drum) n. A very heavy metalic object that juts into the drummer's thighs, resulting in gigantic welts, and causes extreme back and shoulder pains.
I was very sore after marching, but I got to go on a couple of the convenient carnival rides there.

We have also been done with choir for a while now, and have been watching 'The Phantom of the Opera'. I haven't seen the movie before this, but I read the book and it was very good. I must say though, the movie adds sooo much more with the amazing music and the realistic sets. I found a punk version of the song 'Phantom of the Opera' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnP3BE7MC4s&feature=related by Blink-182, and I think it's fairly good.
OK, maybe I'm not actually running in this one... but it looks cool!


Hmmmm, Let's See Here...

Not much is going on besides the fact that I am still in track (not liking it) and still awaiting the rewarding feeling of SUMMER... but ya, otherwise not much. Oh, my last post was my 75th:) 1/2 of 1/2 of 300 posts! If you think about it that way.
Heather in another one of Lacy's dresses with her elegant daughter Sydney


24 (hopefully) sunny days left

Left of what?, you might ask. Well, it really is quite obvious. 24 days till SUMMER!!!! But anyway, school gets out (and summer starts [officially {I really like these parenthesis}]) on May 28 (or 27th, I dont know [again with the parenthesis:)]) so that leaves 24 days... BUT, if you aren't counting weekends, I believe it's 18 days till the end of the school year (and summer starts).

If you're wondering the meaning of this post, it is to fill up space. To add to this fiery fiesta of random space-filling, here is a random picture of Heather (my sister) trying on one of Lacy's *cough cough*WONDERFUL*cough* dresses. The sad thing is she threatened to come to one of my basketball games in that polkadot dress saying 'I'm Mitchell's sister! Look at me!' It hasn't happened yet, but I'm still afraid...



You may be thinking which meaning I am trying to get across with that title. Well, I mean it both ways...
Today is the first day of May. I am hoping this May won't be like the last 13 Mays I've been through, but I doubt it:( I don't know about you guys, but May is the LONGEST... I repeat LONGEST month every single year (you can guess why)!!!! I probably wouldn'tve noticed that it was May, but my attitude gave it away.
Symptoms of Maydayitus (pronounced may-day-i-dis): 1. Wanting the day to be over with
2. Looking at the clock every 5 seconds, hoping it will magically skip forward a month
3. Tired (because you couldn't sleep in)
4. Hungry (because you can't eat whatever time you want to)
5. Slight moments of unexpected giddiness (usually occuring after you forget to check the clock)
6. Posting about May Day on your blog (strangely, this even occurs with people without blogs)
You see my point? I am not a fan of May (unless, of course, you're talking about the summer section of May:)
By the way, in Irish it would be called 'Bealtaine' Day... random fact