
Bit By Bit

The reason for this title? Well, I felt like every other day I have been posting about little things that have been happening as something to do. It is tedious work...
Well, congratulations to Tony for starting a blog (I bet I was one of the first Sioux Centarians to know!). I have big hopes for you Tony!
I want to state to you, Janet, that it is a VERY BAD IDEA for you to stop blogging. When no one else is blogging, you keep me going!! Of course, if other people would blog more (HINT HINT), then I might not need you... JUST KIDDING!!! Of course, you are my only gateway to Kansas... except of course Tony and those red-glittered slippers I borrowed from Dorothy and haven't brought back. Anyway, it is a VERY bad idea!
Spring Break and Easter are days away, and I can feel the excitement! Well, the only downer is that we are having the Trudeau Easter at our house... not a bad thing, exept that, much unlike the Hooyers, I am the youngest on the Trudeau side! O how I have been tormented! Well, on the upside, SPRING BREAK!!! Some things to look forward to? Well, NO SCHOOL TILL NEXT WEDNESDAY!, and when we do get back, we have a field trip to our bewildering state's capitol... DES MOINES! Then the next day we have our 'fun day', which mainly includes teams of 6-on-6 basketball teams (students 5-8th) that play in a tournament. Winners play the efficacious faculty team (we have some very tall teachers). Otherwise, you mainly hang out with your friends.
One bad thing, is that this is our last 'vacation' till summer. Always after spring break (which is unusually early this year) I catch a bad case of summer fever.
I apologize for the many capitalizations in this post, but I felt that it was neccesary for the dramatization of my stories... till next time!

3 件のコメント:

Becka さんのコメント...

1/2 day today!! Yay!!!

Itchellmeh さんのコメント...

it started raining tonight when I tried to ride Dolly... it didnt COMPLETELY ruin my day. Actually, it didn't really upset me at all.

匿名 さんのコメント...

I like reading what's happening to you. My bit by bit, day to day life is very much the same. Jolene