
Pre-Thanksgiving Joy

Some of you may not be happy with my title. You may ask yourself, "This is the little red-headed kid we strive to make uncomfortable and to pick on, right?" Well, you cannot stop my cannonading of joyous yells becuase... EVERYTHING IS DONE!!! By this, I mean that all my extremely time consuming extra curricular activies are OVER, DONE, ENDED, FINITE!!!!!
The musical was a success, and very fun for both the crowd and the crew. As I promised to my mom, I found something else to occupy my time. As I said, after all that business, I needed something to slow me down, but not bring me to a complete stop. I found myself... speech team. This is also extremely enjoyable, and somewhere where I can be my sarcastic and entertaining self. I like the acting part of it, and also to be with people who enjoy being sarcastic also.

As strange, odd, and unseemly as this may sound, I am trying to stay in shape by running regular miles after school and during the weekends. Now, I've taken it upon myself to assign me a nice long break... now that that weeks over, I'll have to get back into shape ;( Poor me ;( O well, I still enjoy the running, and it feels great to still be in shape. Thanksgiving is a-coming, and I just can't wait to see all of you! EVEN CHARITY!!! I haven't seen any family since the 4th of July except for Becka... and we all can guess what that'll do to a person!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!


2nd Quarter!

October 23rd signified the end of the 1st quarter of my HIGH SCHOOL CAREER. It went well. I am not a 4.0 student, but that's because of my ONE A- in one class. Care to guess what class? It is a very unlikely class, so if you don't guess it... but feel free to comment!

As Becka repeatedly points out to me at EVERY SINGLE LUNCH... I missed the last Hooyer 'gathering', and of course I feel horrible about that. But! I have a chance to redeem my dignity through the infamous Hooyer Thanksgiving congregation. I plan to attend and hope that this proposition is enough to reinstate my pride... or at least I hope that there's good food:)

Oklahoma practice is becoming very tedious and late (in the night). I think the director sometimes forgets that we actually do have homework, and she lets us out at 10:00. I haven't been getting near enough sleep... but as my mom says, '2 more weeks!' After that, I am done with the musical and cross country. I still have other things, but they aren't as 'special'.