
Various Pictures

I've noticed that I like the way Charity (the mean and tormenting one) does her posts with pictures with short 'wrap-ups' if you will. I think I'll try it... if my computers fast enough... and if the world doesn't end... it could happen

This was on our fishing trip to Mobridge, SD. That's Dillon catching a 'whopper'.
Mom pretending to fish. I don't think she caught anything that day, but she's pretty good about not getting depressed over that kind of stuff.
This is when Mom, Heather, Sydney, Dillon, and I went to Okoboji. This is Sydney and I (and Dillon hiding behind us) on the rollercoaster at Arnold's Park. Click on it and you get a big picture. Look closely and I love our faces.
Me 'pretending' to kiss a fish.
Sydney and I (Dillon was trying to fish with a net) made a sand castle with 3 towers. Then we made a moat. We were eventually tempted after taking pictures to smash it to the ground. Mom didn't want us to, but we convinced her. There's something fulfilling about pretending your a giant monster and smashing stuff to pieces. It was enjoyable.