Just kidding:) The actual story is that we are planning on building a new workshop for my dad this summer where two of our 'older' buildings are. This is one of them burning. We're still cleaning out the other. It was fun watching dad pick up the building with the pay loader and starting it on fire.

Also, school is out, and since that wonderful day (last Wednesday), I've been so busy that I haven't been able to even notice any summer. Sydney has been over since Tuesday and she constantly needs attention. I haven't been able to sleep in past 8 because dad supposedly need 'help' loading cattle around the world... or at least 1/2 and hour away. I worked for 5 hours today and I'm expecting more tommorow. Then tommorrow after helping dad, I have Grandma H's piano recital which I haven't practiced with the people I'm playing duets with much (if you'd like to see the recital, it's on Saturday at about 6 at Royal Meadows... I think), Then, Sunday I'm helping dad again for about 6 hours. Then next week is VBS. I plan on either running or biking there and back (2 miles) each day to stay in shape for the 5 kilometer run I'm doing in the Summer Celebration thing in Sioux Center which I think is next week or the one after that. Summer, I thought it was going to be fun and easy... oooooh the irony:(