4 birthdays may not sound like a lot, but it is! Yesterday was Sydney's, Cookies (friends mom), and Jerry's (friends dad) birthdays! Then on Thursday it was Sarah's (aunt... maybe favorite) birthday... age is confidential. Sydney had her 10th birthday party at the Sheridon Hotel in SF (Sioux Falls for non-locals). I couldn't go, I was busy:( Sarah (aunt... mybe favorite) had a SUPRISE birthday party at Phil and Judy's house, and I went to that. Fun, but I was tired at the end... a little late for me after getting up early that morning.
Why I was up that early, you ask? Well, I'd be happy to explain! I had a jazz band contest in Vermillion SD, and I played keyboard (electric piano) for that. I had a solo on that and apparently I got an 'Outstanding Solo Award' for that. That kinda suprised me... until I found out they give you an award if you do a solo anyway unless you were absolutely HORRIBLE (and trust me, I came close). It's harder (for me anyway) to make up something on the spot compared to reading music. Bus ride there and back is always fun though!
Today, I ran with Austin Renes THREE MILES! and walked THREE MILES!!! I wasn't forced to, but then I thought about how pained and tired I was after Monday's practices last year, so I thought I should run. It's more fun with some one else. We brought a dog with us (1/2 unwillingly), and that made it easier and harder. Harder to control him, but easier for him to drag you when your running (well, we were somewhat jogging).
Happy Birthdays! Glad you had fun with your Wisconsonite friends Becka! I WANT SUMMER!!!
Arg, track season
Well, I guess it's not that bad... i guess. Of course, I will get incredibly sore, and incredibly cold at times, and incredibly hot at times, and incredibly regret going out... but, i guess it'll be worth it. I'm trying to get into shape. That's always fun. Now, I'm looking at track shoes, stretching every morning and night, and groaning after EVERY single practice. Well, I guess it will be worth it... I'll be in shape for running errands for my dad around the farm. That's the icing on my cake? Ummmm, maybe I should rethink my decision of going out for track...
O man!
Well, our field trip WAS canceled! I got up at FIVE THIRTY for nothing!!!!!!!! Grrrrrr.
Well, I guess we'll have it another time. I think they said April 8. Des Moines, here we come... on April 8.
Well, I guess we'll have it another time. I think they said April 8. Des Moines, here we come... on April 8.
Summer Fever? Why yes, I DO have a HORRIBLE case of it!
Well, with how many snow days we've been having, I would guess school might go into June... let's hope not. That's why I like half days and 2 hour late starts, but don't like snow days. It prolongs my waiting of SUMMER!!!
I try not to think about how long it is until summer (bad karma, it'll make summer come even later), but its proving to be a very difficult task. I have summer fever... and BAD!
It................ is TIME!
The moment my mom's been cleaning for. EASTER!!!
Well, as I've said before, we are having the Trudeaus (mom's side) over for Easter. They're not as big as the Hooyers, but they're still a pretty big family... but very UNLIKE the Hooyers, the Trudeaus are a little less... whats the word... rambuctious. Mom sees that as good though, less clean-up!
5 years
Well, I don't know if everyone knows this, but today is the 5th anniversary for the Iraq war. I'm dedicating this post to all the brave soldiers that have fought in Iraq, or have fought anywhere for that matter. I can't even imagine how gutsy you'd have to be to be able to go to a TOTALLY different terrain, surrounded by many people who would rather have you dead, and having to fight against these people. If it were me (if I hadn't run away after I heard gunshots), I would probably die quickly. I was not a good soldier when I played war. I always died! First one. Well, thank you! To all the soldiers!
Bit By Bit
The reason for this title? Well, I felt like every other day I have been posting about little things that have been happening as something to do. It is tedious work...
Well, congratulations to Tony for starting a blog (I bet I was one of the first Sioux Centarians to know!). I have big hopes for you Tony!
I want to state to you, Janet, that it is a VERY BAD IDEA for you to stop blogging. When no one else is blogging, you keep me going!! Of course, if other people would blog more (HINT HINT), then I might not need you... JUST KIDDING!!! Of course, you are my only gateway to Kansas... except of course Tony and those red-glittered slippers I borrowed from Dorothy and haven't brought back. Anyway, it is a VERY bad idea!
Spring Break and Easter are days away, and I can feel the excitement! Well, the only downer is that we are having the Trudeau Easter at our house... not a bad thing, exept that, much unlike the Hooyers, I am the youngest on the Trudeau side! O how I have been tormented! Well, on the upside, SPRING BREAK!!! Some things to look forward to? Well, NO SCHOOL TILL NEXT WEDNESDAY!, and when we do get back, we have a field trip to our bewildering state's capitol... DES MOINES! Then the next day we have our 'fun day', which mainly includes teams of 6-on-6 basketball teams (students 5-8th) that play in a tournament. Winners play the efficacious faculty team (we have some very tall teachers). Otherwise, you mainly hang out with your friends.
One bad thing, is that this is our last 'vacation' till summer. Always after spring break (which is unusually early this year) I catch a bad case of summer fever.
I apologize for the many capitalizations in this post, but I felt that it was neccesary for the dramatization of my stories... till next time!
Well, congratulations to Tony for starting a blog (I bet I was one of the first Sioux Centarians to know!). I have big hopes for you Tony!
I want to state to you, Janet, that it is a VERY BAD IDEA for you to stop blogging. When no one else is blogging, you keep me going!! Of course, if other people would blog more (HINT HINT), then I might not need you... JUST KIDDING!!! Of course, you are my only gateway to Kansas... except of course Tony and those red-glittered slippers I borrowed from Dorothy and haven't brought back. Anyway, it is a VERY bad idea!
Spring Break and Easter are days away, and I can feel the excitement! Well, the only downer is that we are having the Trudeau Easter at our house... not a bad thing, exept that, much unlike the Hooyers, I am the youngest on the Trudeau side! O how I have been tormented! Well, on the upside, SPRING BREAK!!! Some things to look forward to? Well, NO SCHOOL TILL NEXT WEDNESDAY!, and when we do get back, we have a field trip to our bewildering state's capitol... DES MOINES! Then the next day we have our 'fun day', which mainly includes teams of 6-on-6 basketball teams (students 5-8th) that play in a tournament. Winners play the efficacious faculty team (we have some very tall teachers). Otherwise, you mainly hang out with your friends.
One bad thing, is that this is our last 'vacation' till summer. Always after spring break (which is unusually early this year) I catch a bad case of summer fever.
I apologize for the many capitalizations in this post, but I felt that it was neccesary for the dramatization of my stories... till next time!
No win for Mitchell
Well, my Great American project did not get first... or second. But it did get third... along with TWELVE other people's Great Americans. That's right, our class had such a diverse vote that we had a THIRTEEN way tie for third!
Nothin much else has happened. I had a band concert on Thursday night. Not too big. It got pretty boring towards the end cause we had to sit and listen to the 5th, 6th, (7/8, but they're wonderful because they have a red-head in their band), and High School bands play at least 3 pieces each. Well, it's behind me now.
Another thing that was pretty cool was the High School talent show. I, being a middle schooler, was not in it, but I went and saw some pretty amazing things.
Amazing thing #1: Erik Wiese - he is AMAZING! at the drums. He did a 5 minute trap-set solo and I was on the edge of my seat the whole time
Amazing thing #2: N-SYNC - last year a group of boys did a dance and lip-synch to Backstreet Boys, so this year a group did N-SYNC (boy band). It wasn't as good as last year, but it was pretty good still
Amazing thing #3: Swing Choir - A bunch of Seniors from the Swing Choir did a dance and sung to the song 'We Go Together' from Greece. That was cool
Amazing thing #4: Drumline - They're always so cool. But now I'm sad, cause all the leaders are Seniors and are leaving next year - when I come in!. So, we'll still have it next year... it just won't be as awesome.
Also, I heard from one of my friends that they are planning on making the 7th movie of Harry Potter in 2 parts. Hope they come out not very far apart. I also hope they bring justice to the book.
Happy Birthday Andrew and Becca!
Nothin much else has happened. I had a band concert on Thursday night. Not too big. It got pretty boring towards the end cause we had to sit and listen to the 5th, 6th, (7/8, but they're wonderful because they have a red-head in their band), and High School bands play at least 3 pieces each. Well, it's behind me now.
Another thing that was pretty cool was the High School talent show. I, being a middle schooler, was not in it, but I went and saw some pretty amazing things.
Amazing thing #1: Erik Wiese - he is AMAZING! at the drums. He did a 5 minute trap-set solo and I was on the edge of my seat the whole time
Amazing thing #2: N-SYNC - last year a group of boys did a dance and lip-synch to Backstreet Boys, so this year a group did N-SYNC (boy band). It wasn't as good as last year, but it was pretty good still
Amazing thing #3: Swing Choir - A bunch of Seniors from the Swing Choir did a dance and sung to the song 'We Go Together' from Greece. That was cool
Amazing thing #4: Drumline - They're always so cool. But now I'm sad, cause all the leaders are Seniors and are leaving next year - when I come in!. So, we'll still have it next year... it just won't be as awesome.
Also, I heard from one of my friends that they are planning on making the 7th movie of Harry Potter in 2 parts. Hope they come out not very far apart. I also hope they bring justice to the book.
Happy Birthday Andrew and Becca!
Congrats Mark and Sarah and Mom!!
two big things happened this week!
1. Mom retired (finally). she has been saying that she would retire, and she finally gave her notice in November. Then they needed her. Then some one quit. Then some one was on maternity leave. The excuses had to run out eventually. Well, now I have her all to myself, except I have to share her (sometimes) with Dillon and Dad... I guess.
2. Mark and Sarah bought the new house they've been looking for. The big coincident is that the people they bought the house from are the Lassen's. They have a son in my grade and we're pretty good friends. It's a REALLY nice house, and the best part is... IN-GROUND POOL!!!!!! O, the Hooyers should have fun with that. It's a fairly good sized pool with a slide. Sarah says theres one conditions though... we have to tell her she's our favorite aunt before we can swim... sorry Debbie, Janet, Jolene, Brenda, Natasha, Julie, Anne, and Judy, but you got some pretty tough competition. What will you guys bring to the table? It better be something good! (just kidding, I love you all)
1. Mom retired (finally). she has been saying that she would retire, and she finally gave her notice in November. Then they needed her. Then some one quit. Then some one was on maternity leave. The excuses had to run out eventually. Well, now I have her all to myself, except I have to share her (sometimes) with Dillon and Dad... I guess.
2. Mark and Sarah bought the new house they've been looking for. The big coincident is that the people they bought the house from are the Lassen's. They have a son in my grade and we're pretty good friends. It's a REALLY nice house, and the best part is... IN-GROUND POOL!!!!!! O, the Hooyers should have fun with that. It's a fairly good sized pool with a slide. Sarah says theres one conditions though... we have to tell her she's our favorite aunt before we can swim... sorry Debbie, Janet, Jolene, Brenda, Natasha, Julie, Anne, and Judy, but you got some pretty tough competition. What will you guys bring to the table? It better be something good! (just kidding, I love you all)
Well, not much.
You know, this spring/winter seems to be dragging on very much.
last week i signed up for high school classes (my homeroom teacher is Mr. Hulsof... becca, any tips, and what does he teach?). not much else is happening... i'm thinking about job-shadowing gregg (our beloved uncle) for my career class.
ummmm basket ball season is over... dont jump for joy yet, track season starts next week and i dont have long to pig out. lets see, what else?
ummm for those of you who are interested, today is Chuck Norrises birthday.
O! by the way, I did my speech on Walt Disney and I think it went really really well. I might actually win for my class. i dont find out till tomorrow. I shall update.
tomorrow I get to miss almost all my classes because I have been 'honored' to be in the high school jazz band - I play trapset. we're going to a competition. personally, I dont think we're that great. but, im not a critic, or at least not a professional one. I have a pretty cool drum solo in one song though.
well, till next time! bye!
last week i signed up for high school classes (my homeroom teacher is Mr. Hulsof... becca, any tips, and what does he teach?). not much else is happening... i'm thinking about job-shadowing gregg (our beloved uncle) for my career class.
ummmm basket ball season is over... dont jump for joy yet, track season starts next week and i dont have long to pig out. lets see, what else?
ummm for those of you who are interested, today is Chuck Norrises birthday.
O! by the way, I did my speech on Walt Disney and I think it went really really well. I might actually win for my class. i dont find out till tomorrow. I shall update.
tomorrow I get to miss almost all my classes because I have been 'honored' to be in the high school jazz band - I play trapset. we're going to a competition. personally, I dont think we're that great. but, im not a critic, or at least not a professional one. I have a pretty cool drum solo in one song though.
well, till next time! bye!
Consequences of being sick for 4 days? Well...
I was sick about 2 weeks ago for 4 days, missing 3 days of school. Effects of this were HUGE! Apparently I missed the whole high school 'cover plan' thing and I had to basically fill it in myself. I missed student-parent teacher conference practices, so last Thursday I 'winged' it. That didn't go so well. I also missed most of the build-up to our Great American project for History, so I also tried to write a rough draft, edit, rewrite, edit, and rewrite that into my final draft on Walt Disney. This weekend, I have to:
1. Summarize the 17th Amendment and create a speech on it in my own terms. Think of a fun way for my educated classmates to remember this amendment.
2. Draw a poster that is basically a summarization of Walt Disney's life and create a speech for that convincing my classmates why he is the Great American.
3. Write a career report on a career on a 'special' job that I haven't thought of before. My pick? A craft artist. A pretty fun sounding job that doesn't pay anything.
4. Write a song about the respiratory system using at least 10 vocabulary words, rhyming, and actions. O joy.
Wish me luck. Of course, by the time that you do, I'll probably be sitting in detention for not getting half of these done. Thanks for your thoughts though.
1. Summarize the 17th Amendment and create a speech on it in my own terms. Think of a fun way for my educated classmates to remember this amendment.
2. Draw a poster that is basically a summarization of Walt Disney's life and create a speech for that convincing my classmates why he is the Great American.
3. Write a career report on a career on a 'special' job that I haven't thought of before. My pick? A craft artist. A pretty fun sounding job that doesn't pay anything.
4. Write a song about the respiratory system using at least 10 vocabulary words, rhyming, and actions. O joy.
Wish me luck. Of course, by the time that you do, I'll probably be sitting in detention for not getting half of these done. Thanks for your thoughts though.
March 1 (Marta 1)
Today is my half birthday (three cheers for the midget who didnt get beat to death... as of 14 1/2 years!). I got to thinking, and one of my classmates' birthday is on August 30, and when I thought about it, she never has a half birthday! Sure, she could try to go over to March 1, but I have already claimed that day. How sad I felt for her... for about a couple of seconds.
You might ask, "Mitch the Midget, why hath you beath upeth this lateth?" Well-eth, I have a basketball game this morning and it is probably my last one of my middle school career! GASP! Well, wish me luck.
Anything else to say? No? OK then, I can finally finish this post. Farewell to all ye fans, I shalt be back for another posteth lest my heart beath torn into two parts.
You might ask, "Mitch the Midget, why hath you beath upeth this lateth?" Well-eth, I have a basketball game this morning and it is probably my last one of my middle school career! GASP! Well, wish me luck.
Anything else to say? No? OK then, I can finally finish this post. Farewell to all ye fans, I shalt be back for another posteth lest my heart beath torn into two parts.
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