We had the Hooyer Thanksgiving today, and, I guess, it was... fun (there, I said it). I noticed my blog was very pictureless, so I planned to take many pictures and put them on my blog. So far, I haven't been able to put a slide show of my pictures on here yet, but i will keep trying.
One thing I'm not sure I'll be able to put on the slideshow, but maybe on a post, is a video of Jolie and Ethan dancing together. Instead of the 'man' guiding the 'woman', Jolie was taking over.. and also doing some wonderful lyrics. Hope you can see it all!
So what if it's a little early!
Hey. I know it's a little early to be asking, but after mom read my last post (OVER MY SHOULDER!), she wanted to know what you all would like for christmas. Now, if your like me, who can't ever think of something i really want, then you don't have to write anything... it's as simle as that. But, if you really want something (something that your parents might not already get you)(and it's affordable), then we might get you it.
We'll see
If we like you.
If your nice to us.
If you bribe us.
If you promise to love us forever and ever.
If you ....
well, you get the point.
We'll see
If we like you.
If your nice to us.
If you bribe us.
If you promise to love us forever and ever.
If you ....
well, you get the point.
I'm at my uncle and aunt's (on my mom's side) house. We just got done eating. It was delicious! I can't wait til friday, when we get to ice skate with the family (if you didn't know this, i might be wrong. Mom got an e-mail from Dan). I also can't wait to see all you on saturday! c-ya then!
I know i havent been posting for a while, so i decided i should try. Since i dont have anything to post about, i will stop so i dont bore you to death.
It was just your ordinary day when all of a sudden...
No, I don't think that beginning will do, maybe...
Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, Far, FAR, away...
No, that won't do either... um, lets see... I GOT IT!
I was in my evil lair/ kitchen when my sidekick, Dr. Flabbylegs, came eating a peanut mayonaise and tuna sandwhich with terrible news. The news was that (cue torturous/ horribly dramatic music) "WE WERE OUT OF RED SUPER SOFT TOILET PAPER!". Well, this causes for all forces. "I must call for back up!" says Dr. Flabbylegs unexpectedly, "NO WAIT! DON'T BACK UP!" Unfortunetly, the blind/deaf/lame semi driver cannot hear him, speak to him, or move so he backs over my poor sidekick. How convenient, now I have no sidekick, so I will call for back up (just not out loud).
Fortunately I find a back-up sidekick in the nick (what is a 'nick' anyway?) of time. His name? That's on a need-to-know basis, and no, you do NOT need to know. Maybe if you're nice, I might tell you his name. Of course, this depends on how this whole ordeal ends up. For now, we sahll call him Agent 'X'. HEY! Are you lot getting me off subject?
Anyway, what were we doing this all for again? O yes, how could I forget! We were out of smelly socks. Well, in order to get supplies for this horrible dilema we must go to Kay-mart, or Wall-mart, or maybe even, dare I say it... no, I better not say it. Well, we went to Wal-mart and after buying thee CUTEST pink shoes, we went and found the perfect tools for the missing shoelaces, a plunger (it was Agent 'X's idea). Right after getting ourselves a moca from Starbucks, we went to our secret lair/living room. When we arrived, we had just remembered something...
We all have short-term memory loss.
Why am I writing this story?
No, I don't think that beginning will do, maybe...
Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, Far, FAR, away...
No, that won't do either... um, lets see... I GOT IT!
I was in my evil lair/ kitchen when my sidekick, Dr. Flabbylegs, came eating a peanut mayonaise and tuna sandwhich with terrible news. The news was that (cue torturous/ horribly dramatic music) "WE WERE OUT OF RED SUPER SOFT TOILET PAPER!". Well, this causes for all forces. "I must call for back up!" says Dr. Flabbylegs unexpectedly, "NO WAIT! DON'T BACK UP!" Unfortunetly, the blind/deaf/lame semi driver cannot hear him, speak to him, or move so he backs over my poor sidekick. How convenient, now I have no sidekick, so I will call for back up (just not out loud).
Fortunately I find a back-up sidekick in the nick (what is a 'nick' anyway?) of time. His name? That's on a need-to-know basis, and no, you do NOT need to know. Maybe if you're nice, I might tell you his name. Of course, this depends on how this whole ordeal ends up. For now, we sahll call him Agent 'X'. HEY! Are you lot getting me off subject?
Anyway, what were we doing this all for again? O yes, how could I forget! We were out of smelly socks. Well, in order to get supplies for this horrible dilema we must go to Kay-mart, or Wall-mart, or maybe even, dare I say it... no, I better not say it. Well, we went to Wal-mart and after buying thee CUTEST pink shoes, we went and found the perfect tools for the missing shoelaces, a plunger (it was Agent 'X's idea). Right after getting ourselves a moca from Starbucks, we went to our secret lair/living room. When we arrived, we had just remembered something...
We all have short-term memory loss.
Why am I writing this story?
Not Much to Do
My Aunt Janet and unnamed others have been bugging me to post. "Not since Sep. 29!" they say, "You need to post!". I AM SICK OF IT. I'm kidding of course. I guess I'm just an off and on poster. I'll think of something interesting to post about later.
hiLARRYiously funny
A SPANISH Teacher was explaining to her class that in Spanish, unlike English, nouns are designated as either masculine or feminine.
"House" for instance, is feminine: "la casa."
"Pencil," however, is masculine: "el lapiz."
A student asked, "What gender is 'computer'?"
Instead of giving the answer, the teacher split the class into two groups, male and female, and asked them to decide for themselves whether "computer" should be a masculine or a feminine noun.
Each group was asked to give four reasons for its recommendation.The men's group decided that "computer" should definitely be of the feminine gender ("la computadora"), because:
1. No one but their creator understands their internal logic;
2. The native language they use to communicate with other computers is incomprehensible to everyone else;
3. Even the smallest mistakes are stored in long term memory for possible later retrieval;
4. As soon as you make a commitment to one, you find yourself spending half your paycheck on accessories for it.
The women's group, however, concluded that computers should be Masculine ("el computador"), because:
1. In order to do anything with them, you have to turn them on;
2. They have a lot of data but still can't think for themselves;
3. They are supposed to help you solve problems, but half the time they ARE the problem;
4. As soon as you commit to one, you realize that if you had waited a little longer, you could have gotten a better model.
The women won.
Please comment back if you think this is the funniest thing you've heard since the last time you've checked my blog.
"House" for instance, is feminine: "la casa."
"Pencil," however, is masculine: "el lapiz."
A student asked, "What gender is 'computer'?"
Instead of giving the answer, the teacher split the class into two groups, male and female, and asked them to decide for themselves whether "computer" should be a masculine or a feminine noun.
Each group was asked to give four reasons for its recommendation.The men's group decided that "computer" should definitely be of the feminine gender ("la computadora"), because:
1. No one but their creator understands their internal logic;
2. The native language they use to communicate with other computers is incomprehensible to everyone else;
3. Even the smallest mistakes are stored in long term memory for possible later retrieval;
4. As soon as you make a commitment to one, you find yourself spending half your paycheck on accessories for it.
The women's group, however, concluded that computers should be Masculine ("el computador"), because:
1. In order to do anything with them, you have to turn them on;
2. They have a lot of data but still can't think for themselves;
3. They are supposed to help you solve problems, but half the time they ARE the problem;
4. As soon as you commit to one, you realize that if you had waited a little longer, you could have gotten a better model.
The women won.
Please comment back if you think this is the funniest thing you've heard since the last time you've checked my blog.
I'm waiting for Becka to come pick me up for school, and I was looking at my blog (oh, how great it is), and I decided that it's time to let the cat out of the bag.
Okay, what's really going on, is on the sub-titles of my picture (look to your right if this is my latest post) I've put on the the words, "If you can read this, comment the word 'flabergasted' onto my latest post.". Only 2 people have done this (Hannah, and Anonymous [nice name]). I'm very upset with all of you. Okay, I'm just kidding. Just wanted to see how ovservant some of you are!
Okay, what's really going on, is on the sub-titles of my picture (look to your right if this is my latest post) I've put on the the words, "If you can read this, comment the word 'flabergasted' onto my latest post.". Only 2 people have done this (Hannah, and Anonymous [nice name]). I'm very upset with all of you. Okay, I'm just kidding. Just wanted to see how ovservant some of you are!
I've just found out!
I've recently been informed that some of my classmates read my blog (you tell one person, and suddenly everybody knows). Most were complaining that they could not comment on my posts. Well, this is now untrue. I just changed my blog so that anyone may comment. I'm always thinking of others.
Just a footnote:
Although I'm sure most of you don't know him, Austin Renes is my neighbor and, I guess, he's my friend, I guess. I've recently added him to my list of blogging aquaintances. I'm not saying you have to visit him and be his best friend, I'm just merely pointing out that I've added him. Now I somewhat know how becka feels.
Newspaypa! gets ya newspaypa
Since most of you don't look at Charity's blog because she is so boring (that's sarcasm, who am I kidding, everybody LOVES Charity), I will put what I wrote on her comments on to my post, because everyone loves me (that's NOT sarcasm). Also on Charity's blog is a latin saying that she wanted people to figure out. Well, here are mine...
1. Amor est vitae essentia.
2. Antiquis temporibus, nati tibi similes in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem
3. In dentibus anticis frustrum magnum spiniciae habes
4. Lusus naturae
5. Ne auderis delere orbem rigidum meum!
Any guesses? Whoever guesses right first, wins.
P.S. Sorry if it's a little much, but I have nothing else to do.
1. Amor est vitae essentia.
2. Antiquis temporibus, nati tibi similes in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem
3. In dentibus anticis frustrum magnum spiniciae habes
4. Lusus naturae
5. Ne auderis delere orbem rigidum meum!
Any guesses? Whoever guesses right first, wins.
P.S. Sorry if it's a little much, but I have nothing else to do.

By the way, I caught a picture of the dangerous duo of monkeys who are responsible for putting that perilous hole on Loren and Jolene's lawn. I was unable to capture them though. In fact, I'm lucky I got a good photo.

By the way...
By the way, if you have not yet done so, please visit 'the Hooyer Family Tree'. This beautiful piece of fine art is conveniently located on http://www.ancestry.com/. Once there, you must type in a user name and password. This information is classified, but I guess I'll tell you. Username: hooyer Password: reyoohSarah (cousin Sarah) and I have been working on this for at least a year. Now we are going nation-wide with it. I'm sure you'll love it.
'Cause if you don't...
'Cause if you don't...
What I did today
Although this story might bore some to a crisp, many of my more annoying cousins (hem, hem, Charity, hem, hem) have been bugging me to post. So here goes (for those of you who have a paranoia of bad grammar, I suggest not reading this next few sentences)...
I woke up (you can tell this is going to be exciting, can't you?). I had Cap'n Crunch Crunchberries limited edition Pirate Pete's Shapes. After nearly missing the bus to school, I sat by my friend/neighbor Austin Renes who just cut his hair into a mow hawk. Seeing that he is normally bald, it will only be for today, which, by the way, just happens to, incidentally, be Wednesday of homecoming, which, of course, means that all the children who are, incidentally, quite nice get to dress up, unfortunately, as their favorite, if not positively most bodacious, Disney and/or Dream works character which, sadly, I regret to inform you, this information slipped my mind, causing me to forgot to dress up as one of these Disney and/or Dream Works characters, but, I did have a plan, which was one of the best plans, to wear a Goofy hat, which is one of the most remarkable hats in this Universe, whichever one we are in as of this very second, but, as I have already informed you, I forgot to wear that most astounding piece of hatmenship ever to be worn on my most illustrious, red/golden mane, which, by the way, has been recently cut down to size, but, that is getting off the subject. After the bus ride I got off of the bus, and entered the most monotonous menagerie of maniacle madness (A.K.A., the school). After an eternity of soaking up knowledge like a dried up, thirsty sea sponge named Bob, whose existence coincided with the life of Spongebob, I left school with that knowledge seaping out of my pores and drenching any one who choose to walk beside myself. Sadly, about half of this wondrous knowledge spilled out onto the streets and now I cannot remember half of what I learned in school today. O, woe is me. After finally reaching my destination of grandmother's house, I cut an apple (not Granny Smith, but the luscious golden/red kind) and devoured it along with a couple scoops of creamy, gooey, peanut butter, not the brittle, crispy, crunchy, chunky kind, o no, that just would not satisfy my superior taste buds, which by the way, are certainly more refined then a commoner's taste buds, such as yours. I pity the poor (no literally, poor) pitiful peon (it's a word, look it up) who cannot appreciate such delicate peanut butter flavors, but rather must drudge through their day bludgeoning there tongues with baser flavors. O, woe is them. O, the horror. O well, too bad, going on...
Wait just a second, this is the most feared and unloved part of any story, the part where the hero must die, or must complain about how lousy the Internet service is in Iowa, whichever suits him. If you have not caught on, which will be most of you, this is the end.
No really, this is the end.
I take it back, we have another story for your interest.
Here goes...
never mind. I'll do it later.
I woke up (you can tell this is going to be exciting, can't you?). I had Cap'n Crunch Crunchberries limited edition Pirate Pete's Shapes. After nearly missing the bus to school, I sat by my friend/neighbor Austin Renes who just cut his hair into a mow hawk. Seeing that he is normally bald, it will only be for today, which, by the way, just happens to, incidentally, be Wednesday of homecoming, which, of course, means that all the children who are, incidentally, quite nice get to dress up, unfortunately, as their favorite, if not positively most bodacious, Disney and/or Dream works character which, sadly, I regret to inform you, this information slipped my mind, causing me to forgot to dress up as one of these Disney and/or Dream Works characters, but, I did have a plan, which was one of the best plans, to wear a Goofy hat, which is one of the most remarkable hats in this Universe, whichever one we are in as of this very second, but, as I have already informed you, I forgot to wear that most astounding piece of hatmenship ever to be worn on my most illustrious, red/golden mane, which, by the way, has been recently cut down to size, but, that is getting off the subject. After the bus ride I got off of the bus, and entered the most monotonous menagerie of maniacle madness (A.K.A., the school). After an eternity of soaking up knowledge like a dried up, thirsty sea sponge named Bob, whose existence coincided with the life of Spongebob, I left school with that knowledge seaping out of my pores and drenching any one who choose to walk beside myself. Sadly, about half of this wondrous knowledge spilled out onto the streets and now I cannot remember half of what I learned in school today. O, woe is me. After finally reaching my destination of grandmother's house, I cut an apple (not Granny Smith, but the luscious golden/red kind) and devoured it along with a couple scoops of creamy, gooey, peanut butter, not the brittle, crispy, crunchy, chunky kind, o no, that just would not satisfy my superior taste buds, which by the way, are certainly more refined then a commoner's taste buds, such as yours. I pity the poor (no literally, poor) pitiful peon (it's a word, look it up) who cannot appreciate such delicate peanut butter flavors, but rather must drudge through their day bludgeoning there tongues with baser flavors. O, woe is them. O, the horror. O well, too bad, going on...
Wait just a second, this is the most feared and unloved part of any story, the part where the hero must die, or must complain about how lousy the Internet service is in Iowa, whichever suits him. If you have not caught on, which will be most of you, this is the end.
No really, this is the end.
I take it back, we have another story for your interest.
Here goes...
never mind. I'll do it later.
Grandmother Dearest
I'm not sure if everybody out there knows, but my grandma has been sick for the past three weeks. On Friday, July 20, mom went to Grandma's house for the weekend because grandma couldn't do much because of her sudden back pain. Mom brought her into the doctor's. Grandma was diagnose with Shingles.
So Grandma started taking pills against Shingles. The pills made her delirious, imagining things that weren't there. On Sunday morning, mom spooked grandma, and she had a seizure.
Mom called 911, but there is no hospital in Alcester. The closest hospital is 7 miles away. Mom immediately after calling runs out for help. Outside, there is grandma's neighbor, Viola walking to church. Viola (thank god) is a retired nurse and tells mom not to worry, and to get the guys that work next door to help her restrain grandma.
A little you should know about grandma Mary. She has been in Alcester almost all her life. One of her latest jobs was being a cook at the nearby school. She also helps out at the senior center, and at the manor for assisted living. So naturaly, Mary is loved by everyone and everybody that's ever met her. She is the perfect grandma.
After the ambulance rushes grandma to the hospital in Hawarden, they plan on bringing her to Avera McKennan by helicopter. The driver of the ambulance tells mom that it would cost her about 300$ just for that little drive, but luckily, most of the people in the ambulance knew and loved Mary, so they took her free of charge.
Mom speeds to Sioux Falls to find that she had beaten the helicopter there because they had to hook of grandma to a breathing machine before leaving. Once they arrive they put her in ICU. She does not look good.
Grandma has 8 children, 3 of which live in Texas. They had all been back for an All School Reunion. They had been home for about a week when they rushed back to grandma's aid. One of her daughter's had married the news/weather man, Doug Lund from Kelo land. Doug has his own blog connected to Kelo's sight. Doug was the outside world's connection to see how Mary was doing. After his first blog, he had an amazing amount of comments from lots of places around the U.S. Each one of them saying that they were praying for Mary.
Grandma was not getting better too soon, so doctors said that they were not putting a permanent deadline, but if she doesn't show signs of getting better, they might have to pull the plug in 2 days. Mom actually remembers grandma saying "Don't pull that plug too soon, you hear me?". Also, grandma reacts slowly to medicine, so we wanted to give her time. Eventually, Grandma got better over the 2 week span. By the end of July, she was up and walking.
On August 3, we brought grandma to her house and stayed there over the weekend taking care of her. Another one of her daughters will take care of her for another week after us, and another daughter will take care of her for about another week after that. Then, hopefully, grandma will be back to normal and she will be able to take care of herself. We'll be checking up on her every now and then, just to make sure though.
So Grandma started taking pills against Shingles. The pills made her delirious, imagining things that weren't there. On Sunday morning, mom spooked grandma, and she had a seizure.
Mom called 911, but there is no hospital in Alcester. The closest hospital is 7 miles away. Mom immediately after calling runs out for help. Outside, there is grandma's neighbor, Viola walking to church. Viola (thank god) is a retired nurse and tells mom not to worry, and to get the guys that work next door to help her restrain grandma.
A little you should know about grandma Mary. She has been in Alcester almost all her life. One of her latest jobs was being a cook at the nearby school. She also helps out at the senior center, and at the manor for assisted living. So naturaly, Mary is loved by everyone and everybody that's ever met her. She is the perfect grandma.
After the ambulance rushes grandma to the hospital in Hawarden, they plan on bringing her to Avera McKennan by helicopter. The driver of the ambulance tells mom that it would cost her about 300$ just for that little drive, but luckily, most of the people in the ambulance knew and loved Mary, so they took her free of charge.
Mom speeds to Sioux Falls to find that she had beaten the helicopter there because they had to hook of grandma to a breathing machine before leaving. Once they arrive they put her in ICU. She does not look good.
Grandma has 8 children, 3 of which live in Texas. They had all been back for an All School Reunion. They had been home for about a week when they rushed back to grandma's aid. One of her daughter's had married the news/weather man, Doug Lund from Kelo land. Doug has his own blog connected to Kelo's sight. Doug was the outside world's connection to see how Mary was doing. After his first blog, he had an amazing amount of comments from lots of places around the U.S. Each one of them saying that they were praying for Mary.
Grandma was not getting better too soon, so doctors said that they were not putting a permanent deadline, but if she doesn't show signs of getting better, they might have to pull the plug in 2 days. Mom actually remembers grandma saying "Don't pull that plug too soon, you hear me?". Also, grandma reacts slowly to medicine, so we wanted to give her time. Eventually, Grandma got better over the 2 week span. By the end of July, she was up and walking.
On August 3, we brought grandma to her house and stayed there over the weekend taking care of her. Another one of her daughters will take care of her for another week after us, and another daughter will take care of her for about another week after that. Then, hopefully, grandma will be back to normal and she will be able to take care of herself. We'll be checking up on her every now and then, just to make sure though.
My new "job"
Lately, I have been having to get up at 6:30 in the morning to help my dad do "chores". For those of you who don't know what chores are, here is and explanation. Chores are when we have to mix together different rations of food with the paloader into the mixer, or the Feeder Wagon. Then we drive the mixer either to the long building (I think that's self explanatory), Eugenes, or Fekases (farm between Eugene's and Loren and Jolene's). We then feed the right amount of feed to the bunks. One of these loads takes about 30 - 45 minutes. There are 4 - 5 loads in all. This is the cattle's breakfast. In the afternoon, we must do this all over again. That is the cattle's supper.
Dad plan's on paying me at the end of the summer. That is coming much too soon for me.
Dad plan's on paying me at the end of the summer. That is coming much too soon for me.
Harry Potter 7:
We all knew that this day would come, but silently none of us wanted to be the one to write it.
If you have not yet read the book, I strongly suggest reading the book first, and then read my view of the subject.
If you have not yet read the book, I strongly suggest reading the book first, and then read my view of the subject.
My view (A.K.A. the right way to think):
The book starts off killing people, so you know what kind of stuffs gonna happen in the book, especially with it being the last book. I mean, neither can live while the other survives? one of ums gonna die.
I never expected harry to actually just be able to waltz off freely to go find horcruxes, so the incident at the wedding was no suprise.
I thought that the threesome group would have different places to stay though. but i'm not sure what i imagined.
i never really expected ron to leave just like that, but like Loren said, they were getting older and a lot more tempermental. i guess it's to be expected. the reason Dumbledore left Harry the sword was pretty obvious i think. why else give harry a sword in a world of magicians?
I still dont see how the group could get out of the ministry alive like that. for one, it wasn't a very well-thought-out plan. I didn't get the whole thing with the ministry really. before i saw the 5th movie, i had a whole different view on what the ministry of magic looked like, so when i imagined the whole thing in my head, it got confusing.
Godric's Hallow. i feel really stupid admitting this, but i never found the connection of Godric Gryffindor and Godric's Hallow. i would have been to scared to go to the grave when they did. I couldnt think of how Harry was gonna get out of the whole thing when hermione broke his wand. after all the wand had done in the beginning of the book and in the 4th book.
The Deathly Hallows. When I heard what the book was going to be called, I assumed that "Hallows" meants Halloween. It seemed to fit. I guess I was wrong. When it said that Voldemort was after the Elder Wand, I thought for sure he was going to go after all of the Hallows. If he would've gotten 'em, it could've turned bad. It also said that whomever owned all the Hallows could cheat death itself, and tecnically Harry had all the Hallows and he cheated death. The book puts together different mysteries pretty good.
Dumbledore said that Voldemort never had a friend and probably will never want one, he is very independent. Than why would Voldemort trust a part of his soul in the Lestrange's vault? o well.
The war of Pigpimples, i mean Hogwart, was to be expected. I also knew lots of good people had to die in a war. Many kids wrote to Rowling asking, no pleading her not to kill off there favorite charachters. Rowling replied "People die, and life goes on for the living." that opened new doors to what might happen in the book.
Dumbledore told Harry that one of the horcruxes might be a possesion of Ravenclaw's or Gryffindor's. Once I thought of the idea of Slytherin's heir trusting his soul in a possesion of Gryffindor's it was obvious that it had to be Ravenclaw's. how harry killed the tiara though, was very unexpected.
Snape. Snape Snape Snape Snape Snape. that was a shocker. after reading the 5th and 6th books over, i had theories of snape being on our side, but not for those reasons. i really think that dumbledore took advantage of snape over his love life. but i didn't feel sorry. who would (besides you charity)? it was also a shocker that dumbledore had most of these things planned. he came off looking really smart throughout the books, but this reaches a new level. and it was weird reading about dumbledores personal life never really thought about it much.
Harry? a Horcrux!? never much thought about it, but now it makes sense. that would take tons of courage just to walk up to Voldemort. let alone let him kill you. i would have lots of trouble keeping away thoughts of what would happen to everybody and everything.
the limbo that harry went into confused me alot. i had to read it over twice to get the main point out of it. so harry had a choice in the end to die and live (maybe that's the wrong word) with his parents and many people who he cared about, or to go back to that life that was painful, hurtful, scary, and dangerous. but he did. tough choice.
so harry comes back, and acts dead until the right moment. by the way, i was always attached to Neville. he was so funny and clumsy so i felt bad that he had to be in so much pain with the sorting hat on his head on fire.
then comes the "final battle". On an off-hand note, i think that it was really cool when mrs. weasley whooped bellatrixe's but. back to the final battle. i also had to think this one over. throughout the book harry keeps saying "i don't know why! what's that supposed to mean? why me?", but all of a sudden he's full of knowledge. when he said that it was Draco that had the elder wand, i got really confused and had to really think about it. but it makes sense, since draco de-wanded dumbledore and then his wand was the elder wand, then the wand "exepted" harry as the true owner or something like that. i really couldn't follow the wand explanations. i didn't try to hard though. i guess that just made voldemort scared, and harry got lucky and didn't have to use the killing curse. apparentley one of Voldemort's rebounded and got him good.
the epilogue. very cheesey. but i guess it was okay. not the best ending ever.
Death count:
i counted 13 somewhat main characters die (with the help of some other people):
1. Hedwig
2. Mad-eye Moody
3. Rufus Scrimgour (though i'm not sure if he counts)
4. Peter Pettigrew
5. Dobby:'(
6. Crabbe
7. Harry
8. Fred
9. Lupin
10. Tonks
11. Snape
12. Bellatrix Lestrange
13. Voldemort
please add on if there are more! sorry to make my views so long also. choose to comment or not. it's your choice.
We Lost Patches...AGAIN!:'( don't worry, we found him back

Lost, Season II :
So, here goes Patches' amazing tail. Dad, after "supposedly" forgeting to put Patches back on the pick-up once already, brought Patches with him to the ethanol plant. When he arrived back home, he noticed that Patches was not on back of the pick-up. Not a good sign.
The search:
So, dad went out searching for what he says was "an hour". After deciding that since he was going to wake up early any way, why not catch up on some sleep.
Found at last:
In the morning, some guys from the ethanol plant called and said "We think we got your dog". Dad went over and got the whole story.
What really happened:
Patches jumped off the pick-up. After dad had left, Patches went looking for him. In the search, Patches went through a barb wire fence, and into a 250ft.x250ft whole with slanted sides meant for storing "manure". Patches came home smelling like the ethanol plant, so dad gave him 3 bathes. Unfortunately, he still smells like the plant. We think it smells really bad, but I would shudder to imagine what it would smell like for a dog.
Patches' amazing swimming skills, the watchful eyes of plant workers, and pure luck saved Patches life this time.What ways will we think of to get rid of Patches next? Keep tuning in to find out!
We Lost Patches!:'(
We lost our gaurd dog, Patches, on Monday night, July 9th. My dad and I were on a farm outside Larchwood SD(for those of you who don't know where that is, it's 27 miles or 1/2 and hour away from here) checking on some of his cattle he was keeping there. Dad was in a conversation with the owner of the farm when I let Patches off of the pick-up thinking that dad would notice. So I went into the pick-up and read my book. Dad, however, did not notice this, and jumped into the pick-up and sped off to Rock Valley where we got some snow cones.
This is where we noticed that Patches was not on the back of the pickup. So we drove back to the farm and drove about a 5 mile radius of the farm. It was now around 9:30PM. Because of the oncoming darkness, we decided to give up and hope for the best tomorrow.
The next day we called about 5 of the surrounding area's police departments hoping that somebody would report them. It was that night around 8:30PM that we got a call from a person named Judy Morser saying that she had our dog. So my mother and I (dad was golfing) went to pick up Patches. When we got there, we learned that Patches had run a whole 11 miles over the last 24 hours. Boy, was he tired!
So that's Patches' amazing tail, I mean tale. - yes, that was a joke, you laugh now.
This is where we noticed that Patches was not on the back of the pickup. So we drove back to the farm and drove about a 5 mile radius of the farm. It was now around 9:30PM. Because of the oncoming darkness, we decided to give up and hope for the best tomorrow.
The next day we called about 5 of the surrounding area's police departments hoping that somebody would report them. It was that night around 8:30PM that we got a call from a person named Judy Morser saying that she had our dog. So my mother and I (dad was golfing) went to pick up Patches. When we got there, we learned that Patches had run a whole 11 miles over the last 24 hours. Boy, was he tired!
So that's Patches' amazing tail, I mean tale. - yes, that was a joke, you laugh now.
Frome June 29 to July 2 I was visiting my friend's lakehouse. While I was down there it sounds like I missed out on a lot of fun. I wished I were here for the partying. But while you were partying, I was skiing and tubing. Here are some pictures...
- Me and Jackie on "Balboa Betty" playing Boggle

- Me skiing, I know , I look proffesional don't I?
cute pets
We have 11 kittens and 3 mothers on our farm. The kittens are from 2 to 3 months old. We have 5 black kittens, 4 calico kittens, 1 grey kitten,and 1 golden kitten. We still have not named most of them so please comment back with names. Here are only some of the many photos we have of them. Gracias!
- Sissie - mother of 3 - 2 calicos and 1 golden
- ? - mother of 4 - 2 calicos, 1 grey, 1 black
- Patches - gaurd dog
- Blue - Man's best friend
- ? - kitten - calico
- ? - kitten - black
- ? - black kitten
- ? - Golden kitten
Parents on Vacation without ME!
I'm not too happy right now. My dad just gave me a magazine with the title "Costa Rica & Belize, Great Travel Locations!". So I asked him what it was for. He said that him and mom and some of their friends were looking at a place to travel next February.Now I feel really left out. I mean, who wouldn't want there beautiful child with them every second? -Mitchell |
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