
cute pets

We have 11 kittens and 3 mothers on our farm. The kittens are from 2 to 3 months old. We have 5 black kittens, 4 calico kittens, 1 grey kitten,and 1 golden kitten. We still have not named most of them so please comment back with names. Here are only some of the many photos we have of them. Gracias!

- Sissie - mother of 3 - 2 calicos and 1 golden

- ? - mother of 4 - all black

- ? - mother of 4 - 2 calicos, 1 grey, 1 black

- Patches - gaurd dog

- Blue - Man's best friend

- ? - kitten - calico

- ? - kitten - black

- ? - twins - no way to tell them apart

- ? - black kitten

- Sophia - Sophie for short - calico kitten

- ? - Golden kitten

- ? - calico kitten

- ? - black kitten
- ? - calico kitten
- ? - grey kitten

Parents on Vacation without ME!

I'm not too happy right now. My dad just gave me a magazine with the title "Costa Rica & Belize, Great Travel Locations!". So I asked him what it was for. He said that him and mom and some of their friends were looking at a place to travel next February.Now I feel really left out. I mean, who wouldn't want there beautiful child with them every second?


First Post

This is the real me...
Yes, I know, it's not the glamorous red-head you all think you know, but the dark side corrupts us all.